2018東京馬拉松!PB 2:25:32

發表於 2018/02/27 21,200 次點閱 2 人收藏 0 人給讚


我是陳洪龍 LeoTan

2015   台北馬拉松   2:43:41
2016   台北馬拉松   2:35:25
2017   東京馬拉松   2:28:19
2017   福岡選手權大會   2:29:08
2018   東京馬拉松   2:25:32

I am Leo ( Huong- Leong) Tan !

I participate in Tokyo Marathon again! The aim is to break my record “again “, and take a step closer to the 2020 Olympic standard.

My past results in major marathon races:

2015   Taipei Marathon   2:43:41
2016   Taipei Marathon   2:35:25
2017   Tokyo Marathon   2:28:19
2017   Fukuoka International Marathon  2:29:08
2018   Tokyo Marathon   2:25:32


Arrival (2/23)

 The date of 2018 Tokyo Marathon is on 2/25. Conventionally, the race takes place in the last week of February. But it will be held on the early-March since next year. My race plan was to arrive at Japan two days before the race. In this way, I could adapt to the local temperature and weather and have extra time to rest before the race.  

去年因為有逛過EXPO,所以沒有多做停留,但因為人潮實在太多了,也是花了一番時間才走出來,回到民宿已經下午3點多了吧! 這個時間好像也不太適合睡午覺就泡泡澡再用震動滾筒滾滾腳,放鬆一下肌肉,別上號碼布綁晶片,把要用到的東西塞進寄物袋裡.簡單的吃點晚餐!晚餐的部分一樣是需要澱粉的補充,最方便的就是咖哩飯了!日本咖哩好吃不辣,是賽前一天很棒的肝醣補充

Iwent to the expo to get my race stuff one day before the race. I didn’t spendtoo much time shopping in the expo because there were too many people. I wentback to the residence around 3 p.m. I thought it wasn’t ideal for taking a napso I took a hot bath, and applied my new gear- Hyperice vibrating roller torelax my muscle. After that, I prepared my race stuff for the next day, then wewent for dinner. For the pre-race meal in Japan, I am used to eat curry ricesince Japanese curry isn’t spicy for me. Also, curry rice can provide thesufficient carbohydrate for marathoners.  



A標: 2:24 & B標:2:25 。若當天的狀況很不錯,依照我的訓練水準應該能達到2:24,如果跑不好應該也還有225左右。總之一樣是以打破自己的成績為目標.

I went to bed at 9 p.m. Enough sleep had a highly positive relationship with athletic performance!

Goal Setting

  This race is the first race after my back & hamstring injuries. Those injuries influenced my training plan for The Fukuoka International Marathon Championships last year. The lack of desired mileage did reflect on the second half of race at that time. Gratefully, I’d found a clinic which could effectively treat my injuries. So I kept reporting to the clinic after Fukuoka and used the roller to relax my muscles every day. Then my training status has been back on track since this January. Therefore, I set two standards for Tokyo:

A Standard: 2 h 24 min.

B Standard: 2h 25 min.

   Anyway, the ultimate goal was to break my Personal Best time and National Record (which doesn’t admitted by MAF now) again!  



Race day

  To live as closer as possible to the start line, my wife had booked the air-B&B in Shinjuku last July. The place was only 1.2 kilometers away to my entry gate. So I could enter the gate at 8:10 and started warming up. But this time I felt I should have enter the gate at least 30 minutes earlier so I would have more time to prepare.
   The race flagged off at 9:10 local time. There were so many excellent professional and semi-elite runners. I quickly joined the group which pace was comfortable for me. The tall skyscrapers often interfered with the accuracy of GPS. To counter this problem, I had to consult to the kilometer mark along the course. I wrote down the target time for every 5K on the tape, and then stuck the note on my wrist. In this way, I could check my progress by referring to the corresponded kilometer mark even if the pace of my GPS watch wasn’t accurate.           


Mywife said she would take the photo for me at 7 and 29K mark, so she went to theposition at the predicted time point.


Theelevation of first half was downwards so the pace would normally be faster thansecond half. I passed the half way mark at 71 minutes and approximately 50seconds.

(29K處) 這時候狀況都保持得還不錯,還能聽見太太在場邊的加油聲


Thegroup started to collapse after 35 K, after that I had to rely on my own.Moreover, the head wind and arising elevation would make runners slow downtheir paces and test their will power. I tried to maintain the pace with myutmost effort because I knew I could break my own record again!  



The last kilometer tends to be the longest one comparing with the previous 41 in every marathon race I used to run.

抵達終點!42.195= 個人最佳: 2:25:32(大會時間)

去年我的東京馬成績是2:28:19 ,是有破大馬官方的全馬紀錄,但是因為沒有藥檢,所以成績並無法列為官方紀錄,今年為了讓我的成績可以無爭議的被列為記錄,賽前已有向大馬田協表示請其協助我進行藥檢,當時得到的回答是跑完後直接向東京馬拉松申請藥檢即可,但當我跑完想向大會申請接受藥檢時,東京馬的賽事總監表示只有邀請選手才能接受藥檢,這是一直以來的規定,所以非常抱歉。 

Post-race episode

My result last year was 2 h 28’ 19” , which was faster than the official national record recognized by Malaysian Athletics Federation (MAF). But just a week before this year’s race I was informed that my result in 2017 wasn’t approved since I didn’t take doping test. So I had consulted MAF on how to receive doping test. Then they just replied that I just need to apply for the doping test after the race. But when I revealed my request to the authority of Tokyo marathon, the race director himself explained to us that only invited runners can receive doping test. So it’s a pity that my results in these two years cannot be listed in the record book of MAF. But I will keep fighting for my ultimate goal of my running career – 2020 Tokyo Olympics. At the same time, I do hope MAF can establish more flexible doping policies for marathoners competing in overseas races, or they can help me register as the invited runner so I can receive doping test.


Thanks to all the sponsors who are willing to support me. I will all keep your generosity in mind.


FB粉絲頁: Lim Fried Chicken - LFC  馬來西亞好吃炸雞店

Fat food ( fried chicken) chain in Malaysia

FB粉絲頁:EDS Business School 
Sponsoring the fund for purchasing racing shoes and my expenses for Tokyo marathon

FB粉絲頁:Pace #CorporateHero 
Makingthe customized running singlet for me to wear

贊助GPS錶:Forerunner 935

Sponsoring GPS watch

2.感謝好友-Huan-wen Wang 情義相挺幫我按摩貼肌貼

Thanks to my friend Huan-Wen Wang who helps me relax muscle through massage and kinesiology tape.


3. 感謝LEO TEAM所有成員(只有3人 XD)
    謝謝我的妻子:她無條件的全力支持我跑步,讓我能無後顧之憂的訓練與比賽,我花了兩三年的時間,讓我的成績持續進步了快20分鐘,這期間多少的努力與汗水都是她陪我一起度過的!我真的非常的謝謝她另外也謝謝經紀人楊晁青 協助處裡很多很多雜事

Thanks to the members of Team Leo. Although we are all amateur, we still manage to find the most efficient way to help me improve.

4.感謝教練 Chien-ming Lin  & 和在逢甲一起練跑的跑友們

T hanks to the members of Team Leo. Although we are all amateur, we still manage to find the most efficient way to help me improve.

5.感謝豪哥 Chia-hao Hsu 在東京請我吃了好幾頓飯-希望你能照到真愛
Thanks to , Chia-hao Hsuwho paid several meals for me in Tokyo. I really hope this warm-hearted gentleman can meet his Mrs. Right soon.

IG: Leo.tan.37





跑步足跡 + 30