
2018柏林馬 START CARD 送達!

發表於 2018/08/29 4,244 次點閱 2 人收藏 0 人給讚


相信所有柏林馬參賽者打開email信箱,最感興奮的就是收到賽前通知啦!看到信件標題 Start Card and final information,腎上腺素就立馬給它飆上去!今天上班無論老闆同事客戶多麼機車都不重要,肯定整天嘴角上揚、就是開心!!

Email的一開頭:You have been looking forward to this for a long time, have trained, sweated, and laid down many kilometers on your way - and today there are only eight steps left to reach the starting line for your personal BMW BERLIN MARATHON experience. (你已經久候多時,苦練了無數公里,而今天,只剩8個步驟你就可以抵達柏林馬的起跑線。)這段文字真的很懂你,是不是?!回想這段為了柏林馬練跑的日子,在六七八月的酷暑中耐著性子跑,累積實力與耐力,就為了能好好享受「最速賽道」、破PB,眼看著倒數計時兩星期之際,怎不叫人興奮期待!

再把email往下滑,8個步驟的第一、二步,就是選擇如何下載你的START CARD,共有3個選項:


2.手機是IOS的就下載到 'WALLET'

3.手機是Android可下載為'MOBILES TICKET'

步驟三:溫馨提醒:領取參賽物資務必攜帶STARD CARD和照片ID(由政府發放的證件、護照或駕照)。

(STEP 3: In order to pick up your race materials please have your Start Card (as in Step 2) AND your photo ID (government-issued ID, passport, or driver's license) ready. You need both handy to get your race materials! )

步驟四:領取物資的地點、時間和詳細資訊請點閱Expo BERLIN VITAL Fall  重點:一定要本人親自領取。

(STEP 4: Pick up the race materials at Tempelhof Airport Berlin: Arrivals, location and opening hours please find here: Expo BERLIN VITAL Fall

Important note: You MUST pick up your materials IN PERSON during opening hours at the expo!)


9/13(四) 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

9/14(五) 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

9/15(六) 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

步驟五:請詳閱 Participant Info,或下載BMW BERLIN-MARTHON App,所有的重要資訊、賽事服務、盡在app中。

(STEP 5:Take a careful look again at all the important and helpful information that you find your Participant Info.  Or simply download the BMW BERLIN-MARTHON App - it also includes all the important event information at a glance, as well as exciting service features, such as the tracking option.)


(STEP 6: In the upcoming days you will still be receiving emails about 'emergency contacts' and, if booked, reservation emails regarding your massage and your pasta lounge visit - so please continue to keep an eye on your inbox. :-)


(STEP 7: If you are still looking for accommodations, you can find our hotel partners here.)


(STEP 8: Don't go on too many more long runs, but instead load up on pasta and turn your anxiety into anxious anticipation for the BERLIN VITAL Expo, a good and satisfactory race, and countless unforgettable moments along the 42.195 km through Berlin!)


(Last but not least // NEW: You can use the Berlin public transit (zones A and B) to get to the start on the day of the event starting at 5:30 and after the race give your weary legs a rest on your way home (until 10 pm) by showing your race number.)

看完email,趕快確認自己的起跑區域和起跑時間,在Participant Info中有很清楚的分區,下載Start Card後,自己報名時登記的Best Time就列在上面,對應網站中的資訊就可得知自己的分區:Best Time 2:40~3:30屬Wave 1,分別在A-E區,Best Time 3:30~4:15者屬Wave 2,在F、G區,至於4:15以後的都分配在Wave 3,遙遠的H區啦(請見下圖)!H區 10點才起跑,看來當天可以睡得飽飽的,悠閒地吃完早餐再跑,呵呵~ 

再看一眼自己的Bib Number,是不是越看越順眼呢?呵呵,早上上班前來不及跑一下的,下班後輕鬆歡樂跑一跑,準備迎接這場即將在我們跑步人生中再一次的美好賽事體驗!





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