Yufuin Onsen Marathon

被溫暖的溫泉鄉所療癒 ! 感動滿滿的日本第一場路跑賽 - 湯布院SPA健康馬拉松 (本文以中英日三文

發表於 2015/03/05 803 次點閱 0 人收藏 0 人給讚


 原文出處來自部落格 'Zeal - Fervently running to infinity.' : http://raineriosumarathon.blogspot.tw/2013/09/2013-9-1-spa-spa-yufuinspahealthy.html#more ?????? . 連結 . Link : http://yufuinran.exblog.jp/ 場所 . 地點 . Location : ????, 大分?, 九州, 日本? 由布院, 大分縣, 九州, 日本 Yufuin, Oita ken, Kyushu, Japan 距離 . Distance : 10 Kilometers 紀錄 . Record : 42 mins 48 secs (Finished with 53rd among Group) ?加料(??). 報名費 . Entry Fee : JPY¥ 3000 路線 Route :  (日) 2013年9月1日、早朝。 朝食後、??????、最後??泉?終??、 ????準備??????? ~! ???、人生?主要?????????一???? ! 昨日、博多??一幸舍??????????????、 由布院?森?、???????列車??????。 田??景色?同行 幸???泉鄉?行?????? ! 道?沿??、 ??立???、 ????? 美??風景?見??? 夢?中??????、 今?? 私?????瞬間?????? 物事?動???行????????? 。 ???--- --- 端末????音。 ????電車?下?、 何?? ???雰???感染???? 私?白?NEX F3???????持?? 興奮?親?子?側??? 私達、最?美??列車?旅?、 ?真?撮??? ?? ????小?????、木材?爽???香??持?? ???????田?道??? ! 今夜??在???????? - 蓮輪? ! ????????? 本?????????????美??、快適?驚??。 非常?快適???、 部屋?中?、 ???開?? ?????牧歌的?美???持????部屋???? ~ ! ...待????! ???無料?提供自?車???? 風?走??。 今度?旅、??????降????。 ??今、恰?好?、 私?涼????風?一緒???????????。 ???美????????。 完璧?金鱗湖?倒影?、 誰??喜??露天?泉?入?、 私?????美??????迷走??。 夜?身?????? 明日?????朝食?搭載??自?車???? 無名?歌?歌?? ??道?。 翌朝 良?睡眠????? 良?湯?浸? ???美味????? 私?非常??足????。 ????女??湯布院??向??時、 女?? '頑張??!' ' 頑張??! ' ?言???? 心、???。 ????????、 ???????起??????完璧?????????????。 ???雷雨???。 ???、人??魂?沸騰???、 雨????中止??????????? !!! 地元?小?校??場?入??後?、 直??、 '????、台????????????' 本???????? ! ??????、???唯一?外?人????。 台? ! 台? ! ???台?????? ~ ! ?????音?、????????? ! 今、????????????、 ????感????。 ??????????????? ! ??? ! ???、我????大雨?走?必要?????。 ??? 、?? 、???、 始? ------ ! ????早?、 海外?最初??????始??。 手???????旗?持????。 ???、 ?????日本人????? 地元?人??、 ???????! 私?日本語?、 現時???良??????????、 皆?? 熱???? !!! ???? ~ ?????、 皆?一緒???? ???? ??!!! 今度?雨???、 ????沿??、 ????美??景色?見???????????、 ???誰??、 最高?風景???。 私???????。 ????涼???綺麗?春?日?。 (中) 二零一三年九月一日的清晨, 在悠閒地享受最後一次下榻民宿的溫泉之後, 一切就緒 ! 我準備迎接人生中其中一次重大突破 ! 前天中午,在JR博多車站內大排長龍的一幸舍品嚐了美味的叉燒豚骨拉麵之後, 搭上了期待已久、世界綺麗的由布院之森號浪漫列車, 在遍地鄉間景色的陪伴下, 朝著慕名已久的溫泉鄉前進 ... 一路上 倚著窗邊, 看著慢慢流逝的美麗景色 彷彿置身夢境一般, 此時此刻 我只想享受當下 再也不去為甚麼事情心煩 嘟 --- --- 聽起來好像是終點站到了 才剛下火車, 不知怎地 可能是被週遭的氣氛給感染了吧 拿著拍立得跟我的小白NEX F3 我也跟著一旁的爸媽以及小孩們 迫不及待地衝到列車最前頭興奮地拜託其中一組家庭幫我與為我們帶來夢幻旅程的美麗列車來了一張帥氣合照 哈哈 踏出內部設有藝廊、有著清爽木頭香氣的復古小車站, 順著筆直的鄉間小路 我來到今晚下榻的民宿 - 蓮輪 敲了門 便有一位親切的老婆婆領著我來到今晚的歸宿, 充滿驚喜地 這間十分應景, 名為由布的房間 有著十分舒適的大片榻榻米,平凡樸素,確應有盡有 拉開廉門 映入眼簾的便是令人身心舒暢的田園美景 ... 實在等不及! 拉著民宿提供的舒適腳踏車 便承風而去 雖然這趟九州之旅 一路上, 天空總是不作美 除了下雨、下雨,還是下雨 ... 但十分幸運地, 這個時刻我擁有徐徐迎面而來的微風、淙淙溪流聲與一片黃橙橙的油菜花田做為稱職的背景,就連帥氣的中年大叔們也都一個個呼嘯而過,為了明天的路跑賽暖暖身。 而美景總是俯拾即是 完美倒映湖面的金麟湖身影 居民遊客們談笑風生地走進露天風呂 裊裊升起的煙雲朵朵 在在讓我越來越不捨每處令人留連忘返的角落 不肯匆匆離去 ...... 夜色漸深 牽著滿載明早營養早餐的腳踏車 我哼著無名歌曲 慢慢地晃回我那舒適美好的窩 隔天清晨 睡了個好覺 泡了個好湯 再加上好吃的麵包 我已經十分滿足 坐上民宿老闆娘溫馨大放送、通往比賽會場的直達車 雖然這時還不諳日文 卻因為老闆娘不間斷的加油聲而感到溫暖 但 事情也不可能全部都很美好 今天上午 果不其然 大。 雷。 雨。 。。。但是大家的熱情似乎絲毫不減 !!! 才剛踏進這次作為會場接待跑者的小學大禮堂 似乎因為看起來有些不知所措 立馬就來了些小朋友和高中生圍過來接待我 ...... 你是台灣來的蘇桑嗎 ? 看來我似乎是現場唯一的一位外國跑者呢! 第一次總是新鮮 許多工作人員也拉著我想跟我拍張照 於是立馬就拿出了準備已久的國旗 這裡拍一張 那裡拍一張 哈哈 台灣!台灣!的聲音也此起彼落,哈哈! 感覺自己就像個大明星一樣呢! (比賽結束後才發現自己的照片被po到了他們的粉絲頁!) 就這樣 大雨大雨一直下 , 我們還是起跑了 手裡緊握著青天白日滿地紅 風驌驌地吹 瘦弱的旗子也只能任其擺布 讓我十分擔心他會就此被吹破 哈哈 慢慢地似乎一旁的跑者和加油的大人小孩也發現了台灣的蹤影 紛紛地跟我擊掌加油 ! 真的是太感倫囉 ! 雖然由於強烈的風雨遮掩 這回跟沿途美麗的賽道並沒有什麼緣分 但有了這個小鎮的居民的溫馨加油聲以及與沿路跑者們互相打氣的人情味 我真的愛上了這個地方 ! 總有一天 在某個春天風和日麗的午後 我一定要再度拿起跑鞋 在粉色櫻花和亮黃油菜花田的陪伴下 在這裡奔跑 哈哈 雖然聽起來有200%的芭樂跟幻想情節 ! I'd be BACK !!! (EN) It was the first day of september, of 2013 After enjoying the last hot spring in my soothing stay last night, It was all readied. And I would soon embrace one of the biggest breakthrough in my life! Let us first threw back to the noon yesterday. After comfortably enjoying one cup of super delicious raman at Iccousha, which was one renowned stand around Hakata and Fukuoka area, I stepped on the long-waited train ''Yufuin no mori'', with all the rural scenic beauties along the trail, I was heading to one of the best spot for hot springs and recess in Japan, the Yufuin ! Windows opened to my side, I was all relaxed accompanied by the fleeting greens outside, just like indulging myself in wonderland, I just want to set aside everything bad, and embrace the present. Beep --- Sounds like the terminal was around the corner, Just finishing the last step down the train, No knowing why, maybe the atmosphere surrounding me was too contagious, I soon took out my pretty lady NEX-F3 and instax mini, along with the kids and parents running toward the head of the train, just wanna take back a piece of romantic memories with the green beauty carrying us here. It was a vintage station with all the elements needed, in-side gallery loaded with local artists and photographers, refreshing wooden air embracing us, even plus a hot spring for visitors' feet within here. after getting out the Yufuin station, following the straight-forward rural route, I soon arrived where I gonna stay tonight - , Hasuwa Inn ! Knocked. Soon a lady answered my visit and led me to my room, more than surprised, inside it I may have the most wonderful room in my lifetime, with straw mattress as hardware and all the things I need, adding the wonderful landscape after I slid my doors open toward outside. Just couldn't wait any more minutes, Taking the free bicycle provided by the accommodation, I soon got out toward the wind. Though it was all raining during the stay this time with my family in Kyushu, now surprisingly I had comforting winds, beautiful rice fields, adding some spices from flowers, even along with the runners preparing themselves for the race tomorrow, seems like all perfectly done here. And just like passing through every beautiful corners here, surprises never fell of supply ... beautiful reflections of the mansions embracing the lake, people chatting happily entering hot springs, unnoticed, all I could do is standing at every corners, trying to remember it all. Night was calling, riding the bicycle loaded with nutritious breakfast prepared for the feast tomorrow, humming songs with names to be cared, I'm on the way back. Soon without a blink, it's dawn, with nice sleep last night, along with hot springs and great meals I'm more than grateful. The lady of the hotel even kindly provided me with free drive back to the station, my Japanese wasn't good at this moment, yet still warmed by the continuous cheers from her. But things just wouldn't be perfect for all, it's was a thunderstorm striking us that morning But after into the hall of a local elementary school, which served for the event this time, I soon realized their love for marathon and the village just couldn't fade easily, ''Are you Mr. Su coming from Taiwan? ' seems I'm the one without direction, haha they soon realized I'd be the only foreign participant on the list Taiwan ! Taiwan ! Taiwan ! somehow I was feeling like a superstar here, they even took a photo with me then posted it to their fanpage on the Facebook, haha ! Along with the rain, bigger than drops, the race still kicked off. Holding the national flag of Taiwan, soon the locals cheering for us and runners around me noticed it, and feeling loved and supported, I was high-fiving with everyone here ! haha ! Even though I couldn't managed to enjoy the beautiful views along the route this time, due to the heavy raining, I still felt very much welcomed and would be back ! ...... Next time in a spring day with sunshine hanging in the sky !!!





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