【人物】幼時罹罕病他被宣判無法正常行走 16 年特訓變成健身教練

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2020-10-19 15:28 聯合新聞網 / 綜合報導

24 歲英國男子 8 歲時被診斷出罹患小兒股骨頭缺血性壞死,終生可能無法正常走路。但他克服種種限制,成為健身教練。(圖片來源:取自 metro)

24 歲英國男子瓊斯(Zachary Jones)8歲時被診斷出罹患小兒股骨頭缺血性壞死(Perthes Disease),醫生更斷言他終生無法正常走路。但是瓊斯克服身體疼痛及限制,自行摸索出站立、走路、跑步的方式,成為健身教練。

英國媒體《地鐵報》(Metro)報導,瓊斯曾因疾病被迫放棄最喜歡的運動,還坐了 2 年輪椅、數個月不能到校上課,醫生甚至建議瓊斯不要在他的右腿上施加任何重量。

小兒股骨頭缺血性壞死症好發在 2 到 12 歲孩童,機率約是 1/9000,男孩約為女孩的 4 倍,可能會引發股骨頭變形及關節炎,真實原因不明。



瓊斯 10 到 12 歲使用拐杖輔助走路,漸漸地他越走越快,從 2 個拐杖進階到只要 1 個拐杖。16 歲時,瓊斯病情好轉,他開始上健身房並愛上健身:「你絕對看不出來我有病。」瓊斯說,自己現在可以負重 100 公斤深蹲。

瓊斯表示,自己也曾痛哭流涕、怨天尤人,還因為身體的不同被霸凌。現在,他透過自身故事在 IG 上鼓勵人們不要放棄追逐夢想,也希望跟他一樣受苦的孩子們能懷抱希望。



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Arm day ? Swipe & save if you want to to destroy the guns I have started to incorporate full arm days in my new split purely because there is nothing better than going in and getting an outrageously juicy arm pump ? Seriously tho, it’s down to the fact they have always been a weak point of mine and I just find hitting them at the end of a chest or back workout doesn’t really warrant much growth in my opinion, as I am usually fried after my 4th exercise. So I would suggest if they are lagging for you. Hit them at least 2 times per week. Hard as f***. 1 full arm day then some extra work on push/pull days. (As always controlled reps to maximise time under tension baby) Workout: 1️⃣ Seated dumbbell curls: 4 x 12 2️⃣ Tricep pushdown machine: 4 x 12 3️⃣ Machine preacher curl: 3 x 8-10 (drop-set last two sets) 4️⃣ Rope extension: 3 x 8-10 (drop-set last two sets) 5️⃣ Hamer curls: 5 x 8-10 6️⃣ Curved bar pushdown: 4 x 8-12

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資料來源:udn 聯合新聞網

*健身人物 盡在運動筆記* 




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