【心得】越野女王 Ruth 歐洲之旅最新進度

發表於 2017/10/24 3,522 次點閱 0 人收藏 0 人給讚

翻譯 / Eugene Huang

You may have thought that since I have left Taiwan that you would no longer be hearing from me. Well sorry…… but you are stuck with me. Every month I will still be writing an entry for Garmin Blog, so I hope you can follow along with training, racing, and just life in general.

你可能以為我離開台灣之後你們就再也聽不到我的消息了。金拍寫蛤,你甩不掉我的。每個月我還是會在 Garmin 部落格上寫些東西,所以還是希望你們能 follow 一下我的訓練、比賽、或甚至一般生活瑣事囉。

After leaving Taiwan I headed straight to Europe to train and race full-time for the summer. The 6 weeks leading up to leaving Taiwan was busy finishing and packing up 5 years of life and shipping my 90kg of belongings back to NZ. Time was spent meeting up with friends and saying the final goodbyes. I don’t consider myself an emotional person, but getting on the plane to leave you would think otherwise! Tears were shed!

離開台灣之後,我直接前往歐洲專心進行整個夏季的訓練和比賽。離開台灣以前的六個禮拜我都在忙著完成一些事情、打包並將五年生活累積出來的 90 公斤的東西寄回紐西蘭。其他時間都花在和朋友見面和道別。我從不覺得自己是個很感性的人,但搭上飛機離開的那個當下就不同了!眼淚流不停呀!

Training had taken a back burner in Taipei so first thing in Europe was to get back into a good routine and some consistent mileage. After the first week I did the Matterhorn Ultraks 30km in Zermatt, Switzerland. I was happy to come away with a win, although to be honest I did not feel that fit and it felt a lot harder than what it should have. I had no climbing legs!

這期間在台北的訓練因為暫緩了,所以到了歐洲第一件事情就是回到訓練模式和固定跑量。第一個禮拜後我完成了在瑞士策馬特的馬特洪峰 30km 越野賽。我蠻開心能贏得這場比賽,雖然老實說我當時體能狀況還沒調整好,比賽的感覺比想像中要硬。爬坡真的不是我的菜呀!

(圖片來源:Ruth Croft)

I then headed to Chamonix to crew for a friend who was doing CCC and to also be there for the week of UTMB. It is always a good to catch up with friends that come from all over the world for the week. It was also great to see so many more Taiwanese overseas racing.

接著我就前往夏慕尼替一位參加 CCC 越野賽的朋友擔任補給、也順便過一個 UTMB 週。能和世界各地來的朋友們一起渡過那一週的感覺真的很棒。而且很高興看到越來越多台灣人到海外參賽。

(圖片來源:Ruth Croft)

After UTMB I then went to help support Tommy doing TDG. Now this race really is another beast! I was happy to be on the other side of the fence and supporting rather than competing, and the side of the fence I hope to stay on!! I always have people helping me in races to get to the finish line so it was a good change to support Tommy in getting the job done. Thinking back to it I still cannot get my head around this race, 338km with 31,000 climbing, the physical and mental demons you must face….,  “Tommy you really are crazy!!!”

UTMB 週之後,我就去幫忙 Tommy 擔任 TDG 巨人之旅賽事補給。這可是另一場極度變態的比賽!能擔任補給而不是下去比賽我就夠滿意了,而且只要當補給就好!一直以來都是別人幫我補給幫助我完成比賽,所以能做點改變幫 Tommy 擔任補給還蠻不賴的。總距離 338 公里、總爬升 31000 公尺…...現在回想起來我還是無法想像比賽當中身體產生的痛苦和心裡出現的惡魔…...「Tommy 你根本就瘋子嘛!」

(圖片來源:Ruth Croft)

After that I came to Spain, where I had my first main race, Ultra Pirineu Marathon in the Spanish Pyrenee mountains. It was a really competitive field but it is amazing how if you can get in a good block of training in the right environment your body really can turn around. This was a 46km race with 2,400m elevation. It pretty much went straight up and then down.

在那之後我飛到西班牙的庇里牛斯山進行我的第一場主要比賽:Pirineu 越野馬拉松。這場賽事非常有競爭性,而且很棒的是如果你在對的環境下進行良好的訓練,你的體能真的能夠進入狀況。這個比賽總距離 46 公里、總爬升 2400 公尺。有很多陡升陡降的地形在賽道當中。

攝影:Jordi Saragossa(圖片來源:Ruth Croft)

was second all the way to the top, behind 2016 World Vertical Skyrunning Champion, Laura Orgue. I knew she was a stronger climber than me, so the plan was to try and take her on the descent. I managed to pass her going down and pulled away to gain a 6 minute gap, and also broke the course record. But result aside, it just felt good to feel strong running again, I have not had this feeling for over 18 months.

登頂之前我的排名保持在第二位,位在 2016 年世界垂直天空跑的冠軍選手 Laura Orgue 的後方。我知道在爬坡方面她比我強,所以我打算下坡時幹掉她。後來我在下坡時超越她、並將和她的間隔拉大到 6 分鐘,然後也破了場地紀錄。不過先撇開結果不談,感覺自己跑的好真的是一件很爽的事,我已經超過 18 個月沒有這種 fu 了。

(圖片來源:Ruth Croft)

After Ultra Pirineu Marathon it was an easy week and then these past two weeks I have been in Font Romeu, just above the Spanish border in France. I choose this area because it is at altitude, but also has a lot of runnable trails. My next race is another target race for the season, Les Templiers, 75km with 3,500m in Millau, France. It is a really runnable course and so I needed to make sure for the build up to this I was training on runnable trails, similar to what I will expect on race day. Again, it is a really competitive field with Ida Nilsson, Emelie Forsberg, Mimmi Kotka, Camille Herron – 2016 100km World Champion, and also this years IAU Trail World Champion Adeline Roche, just to name a few. Training has been going well, weekly mileage has sat around 120km, but then biggest difference has been the vert, with a weekly average of 5,000m (twice what I would normally get in Taiwan). These last few days I went up to France to go over the course, and now I am back in Spain. The work has been done, the taper is on for Sunday. So, I hope you can check back to Garmin Blog for the post race report.

完成 Pirineu 越野馬拉松之後接著就是舒緩的一週,然後前兩個禮拜我人在法國豐羅默(Font Romeu),靠近西班牙的邊境。會選這個地方是因為它有高度、而且有很多能跑的山徑。我的下一場比賽是位在法國米魯(Millau)的 Les Templiers,是接下來這一季的主要比賽,總距離 75 公里、總爬升 3500 公尺。這是個很能夠跑的起來的路線,所以我必須要確保在這種跑的起來的路線訓練時能夠加強的部份,訓練狀況必須接近比賽狀況。會參賽的有 Ida Nilsson、melie Forsberg、Mimmi Kotka、2016 年 100km 世界冠軍 Camille Herron、今年的 IAU 越野世界冠軍 Adeline Roche、還有好多精英選手,所以同樣的,這場比賽會非常有競爭性。訓練上都進行的還不錯,週跑量大約 120 公里,最大的變化就是平均每週 5000 公尺的爬升量(大約是我在台灣訓練時的兩倍)。前幾天我才從法國越過邊境,我人現在又回到西班牙了。訓練已經完成,接著到星期天之前是賽前減量期。所以希望你能再回到 Garmin 部落格來看看我的賽後報告囉。

*跑步心得 盡在運動筆記*




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