去年柏林馬差曹純玉37秒的二寶媽 五千自測15:04破最佳1分

發表於 2020/06/16 8,922 次點閱 0 人收藏 1 人給讚

來自美國維吉尼亞州的小鎮中洛錫安(Midlothian)的 Keira D’Amato,6月15日自己測驗5000m,跑出15:04,這個時間比她 2006 年的 5000m 正式最佳還快 1:05,也超越奧運參賽標準 15:10!也相當於歷史上第七位 35 歲以上跑進 15:05 內的女性!

今年35歲的 Keira D’Amato,自高中開始選手生涯,就讀美利堅大學(American University)時獲得2005年全美大學聯盟一級越野賽第五名,畢業後嘗試成為全職跑者,但成績普通,2008年高掛釘鞋,成為一名房地產經紀人、結婚、育有一男一女。




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Blast from the past! NCAA's 2005.

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直到2016年 Keira D’Amato 重拾跑鞋,本來是為健康而跑,沒想到喚醒了沈睡已久的跑步天份和突破自我的企圖心,從休閒路跑、山徑跑,逐漸開始參加路跑、馬拉松,2019年柏林馬拉松跑出 2:34:55 達標奧運馬拉松選拔,點燃了她的鬥志;當時同場曹純玉跑出 2:34:18,在她前面不遠!




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Two days removed from the @berlinmarathon, so it's time to start moving forward towards the next one... but before I do... kudos to these dynamite people that helped me get to the start line healthy: Dr. Rob Green with Active Chiropractic (Midlothian, VA), I routinely saw him whether I was banged up or not, I credit him to keeping me injury free through this marathon long training cycle! @s_millertime with Bon Secour, thank you for keeping me running at full force by massaging away any knots or tightness. As much as I enjoy her massages, I enjoy our conversations even more as she constantly has me laughing. AJ Morrison with Multisport In Motion has been working with me for over a year perfecting my race nutrition strategy. I can confidently say I nailed the fueling at Berlin, with AJ to credit! @beardown2_2 with @boironusa hooked me up with the best homeopathic remedies to stay healthy while traveling, overcoming jet lag, and even inflammation/soreness. Works like a charm! Last, but not least, the man with the plan, tower of power, the coachest with the mostest, @scottraczko with @potomacriverrunning. I finally started listening to you <almost> all the time... and, turns out, you were right! You people rock. I'm super grateful for all you do. Let's keep these PRs coming!!!

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2020年 Keira D’Amato 在休士頓馬拉松半馬組跑出 70:01,晶片時間為 69:59,一個多月後在美國奧運選拔崎嶇艱難的路線跑出 2:34:24,排名第15,再往前邁了一大步!



由於疫情關係,數個月來都沒有賽事,Keira D’Amato 和教練 Scott Raczko 重拾封塵已久的田徑場訓練,三個月後自測5000m,在訓練夥伴的配速下,跑出比14年前個人最佳還快一分多的 15:04!

Keira D’Amato 2016年重拾跑鞋以來的全部訓練都放在她 Strava 個人帳號上,她馬拉松訓練時的里程每週約 150-200k,準備較短距離時每週約 120-150k。

三、四年來 Keira D’Amato 一直以全職房地產經紀人的身份外加撫養兩個小孩在練跑,沒有實質贊助, 雖然馬拉松選不上奧運,以 15:04 的實力,絕對有代表美國參加奧運的可能,如果成功入選,將是另一個改變常識的傳奇人物!




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