【話題】比賽中途肚子痛怎麼辦,Marty Hehir 教你怎麼做

發表於 2020/03/10 5,763 次點閱 0 人收藏 190 人給讚





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Sixth place in 2:11:29 at the US Olympic Marathon Trials. My heart is full and it wouldn’t have been possible without the 30+ family and friends I had screaming their lungs out on the course. That’s not even counting the Cuse family who traveled from far and wide to bleed a little more Orange yesterday. And it definitely wouldn’t have been possible without my coach, Chris Fox; someone who effortlessly inspires you to be great while giving you the tools to do it. • It was a really special day. Maybe not the “fairytale ending” kind of special I had dreamed of. But this was pretty freakin’ close. To run every step of the last two months with my brother in arms, @colin_bennie, and both execute our Olympic plan together & almost perfectly on race day was unreal. In the closing miles, I couldn’t help but think about our 2015 NCAA XC Championship win when were both top 10 as well (scored less points this time around though)! We earned our Fireball once again. • Sorry if I missed getting back to anyone - every message was appreciated greatly and didn’t go unnoticed. Also shoutout to @renebean2 for rallying the Jefferson troops in Philly! • #reebok #reebokrunning #bigdadenergy #TeamHehirVSeveryone • Photo Credit to @vspix.us ?

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  • 奧運選拔賽當天

美國一名選手(Marty Hehir )在跑步奧運選拔賽途中與肚子痛天人交戰後,還以 2:11:29 完成比賽,拿下第六。更令人不敢置信的是,這成績還比原先個人最佳紀錄整整快了 2 分鐘以上。比賽當天,Hehir 正在為了入選東奧奔跑著,他的肌肉和肺早已備好戰,但他的肚子卻不聽使喚的喊暫停。在跑步途中,Hehir 的意志與他的肚子正在天人交戰,而他的心裡想著的事,絕對不要邊跑邊拉。再一次補給站旁看到了公共廁所,他受不了了,就彷彿看到綠洲一樣,總算解決了他困擾已久的事。最後抵達終點後,他以 2:11:29(PB)拿下第六。

  • 個人經歷

Marty Hehir 原來自於雪城大學(Syracuse University)的一位越野跑選手。 2018 ,他曾參加加州國際馬拉松(California International Marathon)以 2:13:49 (PB)完成比賽。到了今天 Hehir 是一位已婚育有一女的醫學院學生,同時也是 Reebok 田徑隊的一名選手,能夠在跑步以及生活和讀書之間取得平衡真的非常不容易,還可以在這次奧運選拔賽拿下第六,令人十分佩服。

  • 漫畫情節(馬拉松硬漢)

 小編大膽預測 Marty Hehir 可能看過這本漫畫,正常人在比賽期間可能會為了成績而忍受著肚子痛,或者直接邊跑邊上。想不到 Marty Hehir 為了不讓女兒的記憶中出現臭臭的爸爸,而選擇直接跑去上廁所,帥帥的拿下第六,結束比賽。





最後想說的是,Marty Hehir 也展現出職業選手般的精神與意志以及顛覆了正常的思維,咬牙切齒不放棄比賽,最後還以驚人的成績,突破自己。




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