自從1998年開始第一場台北國道半程馬拉松開始,至今也已超過20年了,比賽的距離從少於10K到半程馬拉松都有,直到42歲這年(2014)才敢嘗試全程馬拉松.在2013年,大膽開始參加名古屋半馬,從此開始我的國際馬拉松旅程,在2013到2020年間,足跡踏過日本,美國,加拿大,德國及瑞典.因為受傷及年紀的關係.目前已沒有資格及實力可以跑六大馬,但很享受以跑旅式認識這世界.展望疫後的2023,希望能再有參加國外馬拉松的經驗來拓展自己的視野,成為美好回憶的一部分. Starting from my teenage age(1998), i deeply dive in running. After 14-year less than 10K and half marathon participation, i start my full marathon journey at age 42(2014). Without sufficient strength to be qualified as a 6-star marathon runner, but i very enjoy the way to tour around and see this world with marathon. So far,my footage already covers Japan, US, Canada, Germany and Sweden. My story will continue in other countries and cities after COVID since 2023.That's an awesome way to fine out myself through marathon and part of my previous memory in my life. Go David.