
發表於 2020/11/04 11,318 次點閱 0 人收藏 2 人給讚


在平地跑 TIR 20-15-6 分鐘
平地的二十分鐘 T 強度+十五分鐘I強度+六分鐘R強度。丹尼爾博士本人表示這課表能幫助跑者在比賽中面對突如其來的上下坡變化與逆風時,不容易掉速而且還能同時對數種生理系統施加壓力(耐力、最大攝氧量、跑步經濟性)。一般會從時間較長的強度漸進到時間較短的強度;而且從低強度提升到高強度後,再回到低強度,這樣會更有幫助。例如,

  • 2x(1T)+3x(3min I)+4x(R200M),兩趟一英里T強度 ,三趟三分鐘I強度,四趟兩百公尺R強度。
  • 4x(1T)+8x(R200)+2E+1T,四趟一英里T強度,八趟兩百公尺R強度,兩英里E強度,一英里T強度。

    綜合 T、R 強度與原因
  • 2x(1T)+8x(R200)(兩趟一英里T強度,八趟兩百公尺)
  • 5x(1T)+6ST,(五趟一英里T強度,六趟 ST)
    丹尼爾博士發現,有些跑者進行T強度時會覺得自己快要往生,但是如果在結束前來點短時間的R強度或是 ST,結束時比起純 T 強度較不痛苦。



Amos:  You had some questions about adding T, I and R sessions together and here are a few comments I have relative to that concern:
I have found that runners feel better when doing T workouts if they add some lighter, faster runs to the session.  It may be some R-pace runs or just some ST (strides).  Think of ST as R-pace running, but for shorter durations of time.  The T-pace running sometimes leaves runners feeling a little dead and when they add a few faster runs to the end, they actually feel better than if they don’t add anything.
Going from T to I to R has the benefit of stressing several physiological systems in the same workout, and normally it is best to go from longer to shorter work bouts.  However, it can even be beneficial now and then to go from slower to faster and back to slower again.  It makes you feel stronger when during a steady run you have to face a head wind or go up or down a hill.  Mixing stress levels during a run is simply a type of “fartlek” running, which was designed many years ago in Sweden.
There are many ways to design training for runners, and who is to say one way is better than another.  My approach is to make sure any training plans that I design include workouts that stress various physiological systems so we are improving all aspects of performance.  I have had, as I am sure so have others, runners who perform better with less speed work and others like, and do better, with more speed work.  As I have often said – no one has all the answers to what works best during distance training, and I imagine it varies from one individual to another.
Good luck with all your running and with health and life.
Jack Daniels

封面照片 Photo by Brian Erickson on Unsplash





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