參與對象:以健康/醫療/運動領域 產、官、學、研人士優先參與
衛生福利部國民健康署與教育部體育署辦理「運動健康 永續人生」全民運動與健康政策國際研討會,邀請國外專家學者以專題演講分享其對於健康促進及身體活動之專業見解及國際相關政策制定方針,並探討當今應用科技輔助身體活動之趨勢,希冀透過本次研討會深入了解全球健康促進策略,並強化我國運動與健康政策推動實力,提升國際上之格局,共同發展優質的健康運動環境,提升國民整體健康。
The Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Health Insurance Administration, along with the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, are hosting "Fit for Life: International Symposium on Sport and Health Policy for All". This event invites international experts to share their professional insights on health promotion, physical activity, and global policy trends. Discussions will focus on leveraging technology for physical activity support, aiming to enhance national sports and health policies and improve global health strategies and environments.
(for international participants only)